Medically assisted reproduction IVF Program

IVF Program

IVF Program
In vitro fertilization (IVF)
is the most common and successful method of medically assisted fertilization. At the Polyclinic Cito, you can expect the highest quality of care during your IVF cycle. Before the IVF procedure, it is necessary to go through the fertility evaluation process. After the fertility tests and our team of doctors has determined that IVF is the next step in the treatment of infertility, you will go through the following steps:
  • Preparation for IVF
  • Ovarian stimulation
  • Egg aspiration
  • Sperm collection
  • Embryo development
  • Embryo transfer
  • Cryopreservation (freezing)
  • Pregnancy test and pregnancy monitoring
Preparation for IVF
Before any IVF procedure, it is necessary to perform diagnostic tests and collect the necessary documentation. Then, in coordination with our staff, and on the expected day of the start of menstruation, we will plan the start of the IVF cycle.
Ovarian stimulation
The goal of ovarian stimulation is to encourage the ovaries to produce more eggs. This process is extremely important because the number of eggs obtained will increase our chances of success.   In the ovarian stimulation process, there are several forms of medications that we use. Our team of doctors always tries to individualize the approach to each patient and choose the best form of stimulation for the patient, which depends on many factors such as age, ovarian reserve and previous IVF attempts. Every infertility is unique and should be approached as such.   Instructions on how to use stimulation preparations
  • Depending on the type of injection (stimulation medication), the application sites may vary. Our staff will be at your disposal to educate you on when, where and how to apply the medicine.
  • Once ovarian stimulation with injections has begun, regular monitoring of follicle growth and development will begin. The first ultrasound examination is usually 5-6. cycle day. Certain blood tests will also be required during the visit so that our doctors can monitor the progress of the stimulation.
  • On average, it takes 10-14 days from the start of your menstrual cycle until your eggs are ready for aspiration (the egg collection process).
Egg aspiration procedure (egg collection)      
Once our doctors are satisfied with the size of the follicles, you will receive a drug that stimulates the final maturation of the eggs. 36 hours after the administration of the drug, the egg collection procedure will be performed.   The process of aspiration of ovarian cells usually takes 10-20 minutes and takes place in a special room where ideal conditions have been created for the safest performance of the procedure. The process itself consists of using a very thin needle (1mm) which will be introduced into the ovary under ultrasound control and gently aspirate the egg from the follicle. Puncture is performed under local anesthesia with mild sedation. At the Cito Polyclinic, there is also the option of performing a aspiration under short-term general anesthesia.   After the aspiration, the patient recovers in one of our apartments, and within two hours of the procedure, patient is discharged to home care. It is advised to take the whole day off to rest and recover.
Sperm collection
After the process of collecting eggs and their preparation for fertilization, it is necessary to take a sample of the partner's sperm in order to start the fertilization process.
Embryo development
On the day of the aspiration, you will receive information on how many oocitess were obtained. After the fertilization process, the embryos are transferred to specially controlled conditions where they will continue their development. Depending on the number or quality of embryos, our embryologists estimate when the embryo transfer should take place. Our embryologists also optimize the conditions in the incubator to maximize the growth and development of your embryos. On the second day after the puncture, we will contact you with news and let you know when the embryo transfer is planned.
Embryo transfer
Depending on the quality and number, we will decide to transfer the embryos 3rd or 5th day after the puncture. Before the embryo transfer, you will agree with our doctors on the number of embryos that are planned to be used in the embryo transfer.   The embryo transfer process itself does not cause discomfort for patients. With the help of a catheter, our doctors and embryologists will transfer the embryo to your uterus under ultrasound control.
Cryopreservation (freezing)
Embryos that are not used in the existing transfer have the possibility of freezing. If the couple decides to try IVF again, the cryopreserved embryos can be used without the need for ovarian stimulation again. At the Cito Polyclinic, cryopreservation of embryos for three years is included in the price of the IVF procedure.
Pregnancy test and pregnancy monitoring
14 days after the embryo transfer, you will take a pregnancy test (BHCG). In case of a positive test, we will ask you to repeat the test in two days. In the case of an adequate increase in hormones, we will order you for a ultrasound examination 4 weeks after the transfer or 6 weeks after the last menstruation in order to check the development of the pregnancy.
Our Happy Patients

Dr. Ilic is a very professional and very kind person, all praise.

Andrea S.
30 Apr 2022

I am not afraid that the price of fuel will increase or whether there will be a global crisis , I am afraid that Croatia will not be left without top experts such as Dr. Poljak and his team at the clinic, thanks to him and all of them from the first attempt, my husband and I We are waiting for our baby. Smiling, kind employees are always ready to help you with anything you are interested in. Dr. Poljak is first and foremost a great man, and then a top expert. held hands. Thank you very much everyone, I wish you a lot of success.

Biljana C.
28 Apr 2022
Our Expert Doctos
Petar Poljak, MD
specialist in gynecology and obstetrics
subspecialist in gynecological endocrinology and human reproduction
Doc.Dr.sc. Nađa Aračić, MD
specialist in gynecology and obstetrics
subspecialist in gynecological endocrinology and human reproduction
Primarius mr.sc. Boris Poljak, MD
specialist in Gynecology and obstetrics
Subspecialist in Gynecological endocrinology and human reproduction
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