Patients Corner
Most frequently asked questions
We recommend to screen men aged 50-75 years. Screening for prostate cancer includes prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and digital rectal examination. With men that have family history of prostate cancer we suggest to start screening at age of 40.
The advantages are a clearer picture and easier understanding of the structure in the body, which leads to a correct diagnosis.
There are some acupuncture points that are contraindicated during pregnancy so it is not advisable to do acupuncture if you are pregnant.
Common side effects are a mild feeling of pain and less bleeding at the site of the needle puncture.
The risk of acupuncture is low if you have a certified doctor. It is safe to say that acupuncture is one of the safest forms of medicine.
Most of patinets dont feel pain, some patients are describing small disconfort when small needles are placed thourgh skin. Needles that are used in acupuncture are very small compared to other needles.
Patient that where under general anesthesia can have nausea and vommitng, sore throat, confusion, chills, sleepiness. Patients under regional anesthesia can have headache, mild back pain, trouble peeing.
That depends on what surgery are you taking, sometimes it can take 30 minutes but simetimes it can be longer like one and half hours. After surgery is done you will wake up in a recovery room.
It is extremely rare to wake up during surgery under general anesthesia.
An anesthesiologist will be with you during surgery. They will be monitoring vital signs (heart rate, breathing, blood preasure etc.) and making sure you are asleep for the whole procedure.
If you are going for general anesthesia you will be asked not to eat 8 hours or drink water 2 hours before surgery so that food doesnt come back up from stomach into your lungs. Do not eat or drink anything, even clear liquids, during the 2 hours before your surgery. However, if you are told to take a medicine during this time, you can take it with a sip of water.
Spinal anesthesia involves the injection of numbing medicine directly into the fluid sac. Epidurals involve the injection into the space outside the sac (epidural space).
Spinal anesthesia is type of regional anesthesia where cathether is positioned into spinal canal where anesthetic will be administered.
Epidural anesthesia is type of regional anesthesia where cathether is positioned into epidural space where anesthetic will be administered.
Doctor will place instravenous (IV) catheter where fluids, medications and anesthesia will be administered.
There are 3 types: General anesthesia where you are unconscious so you cant feel pain.
Regional anesthesia where doctor numbs the general area of your body where surgery will be done (epidural anesthesia)
Local anesthesia: The doctor numbs a much smaller area of body where procedure will be done.
Fibrocystic breasts are not a risk factor for breast cancer, about 55% of women will be affected by fibrocystic breast condition at one point in their lives.
The researchers found no link between breast cancer risk and antiperspirant use, deodorant use, or underarm shaving.
From the data available from many studies there was no link between birth control pills and breast cancer.
To reduce risk of getting breast cancer if your family history is negative to it you can do some lifestyle changes that can reduce the risk. Reducing body weight to normal values, exercise program and normal levels of Vitamin D have been shown to reduce the risk. Also to reduce risk it is advisable to do regular mammograms and physical exams.
The greatest risk for breast cancer is a positive family history. If someone in the close family has suffered from breast cancer (grandmother, mother, sister) it is advisable to consult your doctor and have regular check-ups. There are also genetic predispositions such as BRCA 1 and 2 genes. If someone in the family has positive these genes it is advised to you are also being tested.
Most breast changes are benign. These include fibroadenomas, fibrocystic changes, and cysts. Despite the fact that most changes are benign in nature, any change in the breast you feel should be processed and examined by your doctor.
After couple has been evaluated for infertility based on what is causing it, doctor will suggest what is best way to treat infertility.
To evaluate female infertility we need to do several steps. We need blood tests in order to see hormone level and to see if there is some disbalance, ovulation tests and ultrasound exam to check uterus and fallopian tubes.
The first step of treating male infertility is semen analysis, other test that can be done are blood test to see hormone levels and ultrasound.
There is many ways to treat couple with infertility in most cases it depends of cause of infertility. The most common technique we use are: intrauterine insemination, induction of ovulation, IVF.
There are some things that patients can modify in order to boost their chances of getting pregnant like losing weight if patient is overweight, stop smoking and drinking alchohol.
Sometimes is just takes time to get pregnant but if you do not get pregnant afer having unprotected sex for 1 year or if you are older then 35 years then not getting pregnant in 6 months, you should visit doctor.
There are different reasons a couple might have trouble getting pregnant. In female patients there can be problem with ovulation, problem with uterus and fallopian tubes, endometriosis and so on. In male partner there can be problem with sperm quality and quantity.
Testicles are similar size but one can be slightly bigger then other. It is also common that one testicle is lower then the other one.
If you find lump on your testicle or notice change in size it is advisable to see your doctor to see the reason behind it.
Excess weight is most common factor that can hurt quality of sperm. Smoking cigarettes and drinking excessively can damage quality of sperm.
The best way is to maintain healthy BMI, eat healthy food, avoid smoking or excessive drinking of alcohol. Also to boost sperm health it is suggested to take multivitamin that contains Zinc, folic acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin D.
The health of semen if evaluated by by looking at motility, morphology and count. Motility refers to ability of sperm to move effectively, morphology refers to shape of sperm and count refers to amount of sperm present in seminal fluid.
The most common casuses are: varicocele, sperm flow blockage, genetic abnormalities, infection, hormonal problems, oxidative stress, medical or/and treatment side effect.
Male infertility is just as common as female infertility.
There are many causes of blood in urine and usually it is not something serious, still it is important that you see a dcotor (urologist) that can find the possible cause of hematuria (blood in urine).
Doctors usually detect an enlarged prostate by performing a rectal exam.
Enlarged prostate manifests mostly with frequent urinary tract infections, onstruction of urine flow and urinary retention.
Yes, patients who had father or brother with prostate cancer are two and a half times more likey to get prostate cancer then patient who has no relatives with prostate cancer
Early prostate cancer does not have any symptoms, it is usually detected with PSA and digital rectal exam, that is why rutine screening exams are important.
We recommend to screen men aged 50-75 years. Screening for prostate cancer includes prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and digital rectal examination. With men that have family history of prostate cancer we suggest to start screening at age of 40.
Early prostate cancer does not have any symptoms, it is usually detected with PSA and digital rectal exam, that is why rutine screening exams are important.
We recommend to screen men aged 50-75 years. Screening for prostate cancer includes prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and digital rectal examination. With men that have family history of prostate cancer we suggest to start screening at age of 40.
There is some cramping and discomfort after the doctor put IUD into your uterus. Giving premedication with some over the counter pain medicines can help. After few days cramping usually is gone.
There is mostly two types of IUD. Copper IUD that can stay in uterus for 10 years and the other one is progestin-releasing IUD (Mirena).
Yes. The longer someone takes the combined pill for the lower risk of ovarian and womb caner is.
Taking the combined pill will slightly increase risk of breast cancer compared to people that are not using it. It is important to remember that being overweight or obese increases the risk of breast cancer much more than taking the pill does.
They will not cause infertility, methods of contraception will only interfere with fertility when they are in use.
In large amount of studies that where done there was no clear link between hormonal birth control and gaining weight.
It is safe if you are not over 35 years old and smoking cigarettes, if you are pregnant, have blood clots and a stroke in the past, are being treated fro brest cancer or have had breast cancer, have somekind of liver or heart disease, migraine headaches.
There are two types of emergency contraception IUD and pills. IUD comes in two forms, one is copper IUD and other one is type that releases hormone progestin.
Emergancy contraception is a way of preventing pregnancy if you had unprotected sex, condom broke or you forgot to take your birth control pill.
It is safe if you are not over 35 years old and smoking cigarettes, if you are pregnant, have blood clots and a stroke in the past, are being treated fro brest cancer or have had breast cancer, have somekind of liver or heart disease, migraine headaches.
There are two types of emergency contraception IUD and pills. IUD comes in two forms, one is copper IUD and other one is type that releases hormone progestin.
Emergancy contraception is a way of preventing pregnancy if you had unprotected sex, condom broke or you forgot to take your birth control pill.
Your doctor will tell you plan and what to expect, they also might prescript some drugs that you will be required to take in order to prevent pain.
The most common side effect of general anesthesia is nausea and vomiting, luckily it can be prevented with administration of antiemetic drugs.
After anesthesia wears off, there is chance that you might need some pain medications. Pain medications can be administered either as pills or they can be given as injection.
If you dont follow instructions you could put yourself at risk. It is always better to be honest with your doctor if you didnt follow instructions, even if it was an accident.
If you are going for general anesthesia you will be asked not to eat 8 hours or drink water 2 hours before surgery so that food doesnt come back up from stomach into your lungs. Do not eat or drink anything, even clear liquids, during the 2 hours before your surgery. However, if you are told to take a medicine during this time, you can take it with a sip of water.
Every surgery and procedure carrier certain risk. Depending on what surgery is performed risk may vary. To inform youself about risk for specific procedure or surgery it is best to discuss it with your doctor.
Some conditions can not be treated with medication but require surgical approach. It is always advisable to talk to your doctor if surgery is only treatment option or there are other possible ways to achive same goal.
Some conditions can not be treated with medication but require surgical approach. It is always advisable to talk to your doctor if surgery is only treatment option or there are other possible ways to achive same goal.
The advantages are a clearer picture and easier understanding of the structure in the body, which leads to a correct diagnosis.
During pregnancy, it is best to avoid any tobacco product, including electronic cigarettes. All of these products contain nicotine, a harmful substance found in both normal and electronic cigarettes.
Limit caffeine intake during pregnancy to 1 to 2 cups of coffee a day.
During pregnancy, as far as a normal pregnancy is concerned, most pregnant women can be as active as before pregnancy. This includes exercising, traveling, going to work.
Every 4 weeks until you are about 28 weeks pregnant, then every 3 weeks until you are about 36 weeks pregnant then every week until delivery. People with certain medical conditions (including conditions they had before they got pregnant) might need to see their doctor more often.
It is essential to take a prenatal that contains a minimum of 400 micrograms of folic acid which is credited with preventing birth defects.
It is recommended that women wait until they have their first postpartum checkup.
If you have entered a pregnancy with a healthy body weight it is considered that you should gain between 12-16 kg. If you have entered a pregnancy with increased body weight then you should gain less pounds during pregnancy.
Your baby’s first movementswill usually occur between 18 and 22 weeks, though some women feel movement prior. Most women describe these movements as sensation of tickling from inside.
It’s common to feel tired, or even exhausted, during pregnancy, especially in the first 12 weeks. Hormonal changes at this time can make you feel tired, nauseous and emotional. The only answer is to rest.
It is advised that all adults be vaccinated against influenza, especially pregnant women, because pregnant women have a more severe course of the disease than the non-pregnant population. In addition to the fact that the vaccine can prevent you from getting sick, it can also prevent your child from getting the flu during the first few months of life.
Sexual intercourse is allowed as far as regular pregnancy is concerned. Only in presence of threatened miscarriage, placenta previa, preterm labor, premature rupture of membranes and preeclampsia having sex is contraindicated.
4D allows real-time display, it serves for a quick and detailed presentation of the anatomy of the fetus and enables more precise measurements of growth and insight into the condition of the fetus.
Ultrasounds do not pose any danger to moms or fetus. They do not cause birth defects, childhood developmental or intellectual problems, or cancer
No amount of wine during pregnancy is deemed safe and that consuming wine while pregnant should be avoided.
The due date, or estimated date of delivery (EDD), is the approximate date when labor is expected to begin
Calculate Due DateThe Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool allows to estimate a woman's risk of developing invasive breast cancer over the next 5 years
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