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New Departments with the takeover of the Salus ST Special Hospital,

In September 2014, Polyclinic CIto  took over the Salus ST Special Hospital, which expanded our space by an additional 500m2.

We opened clinics for urology, surgery and anesthesiology, and a daily hospital with 4 apartments

Hospital room operation equipment


In addition, in May 2015, we equipped a new, even more modern and better equipped laboratory for medically assisted fertilization.

By equipping a new laboratory, every detail has been carefully selected to increase the chances of pregnancy. The laboratory is located in the middle of the new space, isolated from all other rooms by air lock, the walls are made of antibacterial panels used in clean room technology, and paints and adhesives used in construction were selected to contain minimal amounts toxic substances.



In addition, before being put into operation with patients, the laboratory premises are heated and the air in them is filtered continuously for 8 weeks (so-called burn out), thus removing all possible traces of toxic compounds. Three series of external filters and one internal filter clean the air from dust, smog, spores, bacteria, viruses and organic substances. Purified air at a pressure of 20 Ps is introduced into the laboratory with 20-30 air changes per hour. The rooms next to the laboratory have a lower purified air pressure so that air always comes out of the laboratory. In this way, the gamete and embryo culture process is completely protected from external influences.



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