Male fertility analysis
Medically assisted reproduction Infertility


Male fertility analysis

It is estimated that around 15% of couples have fertility problems.

According to the instructions of the World Health Organization, if the desired pregnancy has not occurred after a year of trying, you should inform your doctor for consultation and preliminary tests. If you are older than 35, that period is 6 months.

There are various risk factors that can cause infertility in couples. Most of them can be eliminated by changing lifestyle and habits. But there are also some irreversible processes that can affect fertility.

Infertility occurs in both men and women. When determining infertility, in

problem is related to women
problem is related to men
rest 10-20%
reason is unclear or inexplicable
Risk factors
  • The patient's age is a decisive factor, because from the age of 35, the reproductive potential of female eggs decreases
  • STDs
  • Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption
  • Excessive or underweight body weight
Causes of female infertility
In order for a woman to become pregnant, it is necessary for the female reproductive system to function optimally. Problems with the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes and ovaries are some of the factors that can contribute to infertility in women. Infertility can be caused by one of the following factors:
  • Hormonal imbalance that can disrupt ovulation (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome PCOS)
  • Excessive or underweight body mass
  • Recurrent spontaneous abortions
  • Problems with the mucus inside the cervix: prevents sperm from accessing the uterus to fertilize the egg
  • Pathologies of the uterus (myomas, polyps, septums)
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Endometriosis: it can interfere with ovulation and change the lining of the uterus and make it difficult for the embryo to implant
  • Idiopathic infertility: in a certain number of women, the cause of infertility cannot be detected
Causes of male infertility
In approximately 35 percent of couples with infertility, a male factor is identified in addition to a female factor. Both in women and in men, the causes of infertility can be eliminated by changing lifestyle and habits, but there are also causes that can be diagnosed but cannot be treated. Genetic diseases: In most cases, genetic diseases cause a low sperm count. Despite the genetic basis of the problem, we can get sperm from about 70% of men with the help of special surgical procedures "micro TESE".   Causes of male infertility:
  • Ejaculation disorder
  • Varicocele
  • Cryptorchidism
  • Infections
  • Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
  • Dysgenesis of the gonads
  • Obstruction of canaliculi
Diagnosis of infertility
When it comes to the diagnosis and treatment of infertility, a comprehensive assessment is carried out for both partners. From the beginning of infertility treatment, it is important to solve the problem in a certain order, if possible to diagnose the cause, and then to treat it with the optimal method. At the Cito Polyclinic, which specializes in the treatment of couples with infertility, we offer complete treatment of all types of infertility. Treatment of male infertility is carried out in our laboratory under the guidance of Dr. Schwenner Radovniković.   Methods for treating male infertility:
  • Sperm analysis: Spermiogram
  • DNA fragmentation test
  • HBA Test
  • MicroTESE/TESA
  • Varicocele operation
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI/AIH)
  • Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
  • Intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI)
Methods for treating female infertility:
  • Hysteroscopy (polyps, fibroids, sputums, diagnostic hysteroscopy)
  • Laparoscopy (ovarian cysts, endometriosis, fibroids, diagnostic laparoscopy)
  • Intrauterine insemination
  • Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)/ tubal patency test
  • Induction of ovulation and timed relations
Our Happy Patients

Dr. Ilic is a very professional and very kind person, all praise.

Andrea S.
30 Apr 2022

I am not afraid that the price of fuel will increase or whether there will be a global crisis , I am afraid that Croatia will not be left without top experts such as Dr. Poljak and his team at the clinic, thanks to him and all of them from the first attempt, my husband and I We are waiting for our baby. Smiling, kind employees are always ready to help you with anything you are interested in. Dr. Poljak is first and foremost a great man, and then a top expert. held hands. Thank you very much everyone, I wish you a lot of success.

Biljana C.
28 Apr 2022
Our Expert Doctos
Petar Poljak, MD
specialist in gynecology and obstetrics
subspecialist in gynecological endocrinology and human reproduction Nađa Aračić, MD
specialist in gynecology and obstetrics
subspecialist in gynecological endocrinology and human reproduction
Primarius Boris Poljak, MD
specialist in Gynecology and obstetrics
Subspecialist in Gynecological endocrinology and human reproduction
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